Part Two: Sandbox Your Way to a More Secure IoT
Use Legato® to Strengthen Security, Reduce Risk, and Combat Attacks
Sandboxing is a very important part of creating IoT applications. Sandboxing lets you separate and protect application processes, so they’re easier to maintain and control. The Legato commands for working with sandboxes are straightforward and simple to use, and designed to give developers the flexibility they need to ensure a robust system. The end result is an IoT deployment that is more resilient, and more likely to withstand the ill effects of malware, hacking, and bugs.
Developers of IoT devices can use sandboxed applications inside the open-source Legato embedded platform, to minimize the impact of a number of security threats, from malware and hacking to unintentional errors in code.
Download this white paper to learn:
- The basic concepts of Legato sandboxing
- How to use Legato to strengthen security, reduce risk, and combat attacks
- How to create and sandbox a Legato application
Read PART ONE of this white paper to review the benefits of sandboxing, and how it helps you introduce new services without the risk.