Accelerating White Goods and Smart Appliances Adoption with Next Generation Cellular IoT
LPWA Technology Unlocks Smart Appliance Efficiencies
Whether used in homes or commercial settings, smart appliances promise a wide range of new benefits for consumers and appliance manufacturers, including predictive maintenance, enhanced customer relationships, energy efficiency, and convenience. And yet, despite the potential, consumers have not adopted smart appliances as quickly as analysts had expected due to the complexed onboarding and configuration process for typical smart appliance models based on Wi-Fi.
Now, low-power wide-area (LPWA) cellular technologies are making it possible to remotely monitor and service smart appliances without having to ask the consumer or business to do anything at all.
Download this white paper to learn:
- How 3GPP LPWA technologies can overcome the major barriers that often held back smart appliance adoption
- Why using a standardized LPWA technology also means broader coverage, global scalability, simpler deployments, and lower costs
- The three options for 3GPP LPWA technologies