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IoT System Development With LPWAN Benefits, Challenges & Architectures

An Integrated IoT solution can streamline the development process, reduce development time, and enable faster time to market. VDC estimates that use of integrated wireless solutions can reduce that time by 15% to 20%, shaving two to three months off a typical development schedule.



Technology Innovations Enabling a Smarter, More Sustainable Planet

An explosive growth of technology innovation in the Internet of Things is enabling the industry to deliver solutions for a smarter, more sustainable planet. We invite you to join us and learn how the Internet of Things is enabling a greener and more sustainable planet.  



How Sercel Used Octave™ To Deploy Its Structural Health Monitoring Solution

Structural health monitoring is becoming a vital industry given the aging infrastructure in large parts of the world today.  Learn how Sercel Used Octave to Deploy its Structural Health Monitoring Solution.